The dog Whisperer (Cesar Millan)
Cesar was born in augus 27th, 1969 in Mexico.
He always was connected with animals. When he was a little child he lives in his grandfather's farm, so he grew up with a lot of animals.
His grandpa worked with cows, and he always was helping him.
Cesar fixed his attention in the behavior of groups of animals. Since then he started studying the relation in those groups, in special dogs. He understood that animals always try to find a leader of the herd or pack, but in this case, his grandpa was the leader and not the animals. The cows have to obey him.
He is famous for work with difficult dogs or dogs who didn't care of the owner word.
He have a very famous programme in TV called ´´The dog Whisperer´´. It's about dogs that had bad behavior whit the owner, and Cesar try to help in those cases.
He always said: ''I rehabilitate person, and I trained dogs''.
I choose Cesar Millan because I would like to be like him, have that ''ability'' to communicate with dogs or other kind of animals, like this cartoon calles ''The Wild Thornberrys''. I would like to know what do animals think and what do they feel.
June 13, 2010 at 12:27 PM
The dog Whisperer (Cesar Millan)
Cesar was born in CAPS augus 27th, 1969 in Mexico.
He always was connected with animals. When he was a little child he TENSE lives in his grandfather's farm, so he grew up with a lot of animals.
His grandpa worked with cows, and he always was helping him.
Cesar fixed his attention in the behavior of groups of animals. Since then he started studying the relation in those groups, in special dogs. He understood that animals always try to find a leader of the herd or pack, but in this case, his grandpa was the leader and not the animals. The cows TENSE have to obey him.
He is famous for work with difficult dogs or dogs who didn't care of the owner word.
He SVA have a very famous programme in TV called ´´The dog Whisperer´´. It's about dogs that had bad behavior whit the owner, and Cesar SVA try to help in those cases.
He always said: ''I rehabilitate person, and I trained dogs''.
I choose Cesar Millan because I would like to be like him, SVA have that ''ability'' to communicate with dogs or other kind of animals, like this cartoon calles ''The Wild Thornberrys''. I would like to know what WO do animals think and what WO do they feel.
Did you know that n beginner we checked something from him?
I have the book as well..
check the corrections