I decided to study vet because I always wanted to do it. Since I was 8 years old I had decided that I will study vet. My family was frecuently conected with animals, I had a lots of dogs, a pair of birds, a rabit, some cats, a hamster and some fishes.
I enter at this university by my own effort. I make preuniversitario (that is like a school that prepare you to have a good score in the PSU to enter to the university) last year to obtein a better score than the previous that I had.
It was a very difficult year for me, because lots of things happen in my personal life, but I'm girl and I'm strong and I have done it.

I want to take care of all the animals that a can. I would like to create new vaccines for some terrible disease and I want to finish with that.
I would like to specialize in horses or cows and in domestic animals. I hope I can do both.
My ``dream´´ is to work in some hospital of domestic animals some days of the week and other days in a place with horses or in some dairy factory.
Of course someday I want to make my own hospital with some colleagues, not a simple hospital but a hospital like in the US hospitals.

I know that I will be the better veterinarian of my generation because I love them so I can do everything for them.

date Wednesday, May 19, 2010