My ideal job

my passion are dogs, but now are a lot of vets working in small animals, so I think that I will have to look for something less overcrowded, like big animals. Cows or horses it's a good idea because they are my second priority, or the other option is to work in a zoo, but I don't realy like to see animals there, they don't stay in their real habitat. Other thing that I realy would like to do is to invent or try to find a cure for some disease like canine distemper, among others.

I would like to have an animal hospital like I saw in some TV program like Discovery Channel, or Animal Planet. they show very complex intrument or new tecnology to look after for a patient. I have some ideas to creat something here but it will be very difficult... we only are in Chile.

To create this I can't be alone, so I will have to make a group of the best of the best VETs in my university (of course) and make a company.

That will be for little animals like dogs, cats, rabbit, birds, hamsters, guinea pig and other animals that could arrive to the hospital. For that we will have to had specialization in differents topics to cover all the demand of the clients.

On the other hand, that I said previously was that I would like to work with big animals like cows or horses, and for that I will have to work in dairies or in places with horses like in a riding club to take care of them.

Finally, my future work will be the most exciting thing that I could do, because is my passion. I will be the best and I will do everything to improve the animal's health, it doesn't matter what late or early was, I will always be there for them. dedicated to my pretty little black dog pekeña ignacia :D

date Sunday, June 27, 2010

Zoology :D

My really favorite subject is zoology, because is the most connected with that I like, Veterinary Medicine.
This class is very interesting because Dr. Solis and Dra. Aránguiz mostly teach us a lot of things about the beginning of the life and of course, the start of the first animals and qualities of them. It's like an introduction to the Veterinary.
The class is every Tuesday at 11 AM. and we almost have a laboratory class every Friday at 3 PM. This one is my favorite, we can see little things in the microscope or open and study the body or structure.

.........Why I like zoology?

I think that is the subject more connected with biology and animals, that is the thing that I love.
Another reason is because is the most practical class, you can toucheverything.
Finally I like the topics which are discuss in the class. Are really interesting and I love it, so that make me study more.

Miss I included you a photo that was in one of the practical classes.
I hope you like it

date Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The dog Whisperer (Cesar Millan)

Cesar was born in augus 27th, 1969 in Mexico.
He always was connected with animals. When he was a little child he lives in his grandfather's farm, so he grew up with a lot of animals.
His grandpa worked with cows, and he always was helping him.
Cesar fixed his attention in the behavior of groups of animals. Since then he started studying the relation in those groups, in special dogs. He understood that animals always try to find a leader of the herd or pack, but in this case, his grandpa was the leader and not the animals. The cows have to obey him.

He is famous for work with difficult dogs or dogs who didn't care of the owner word.
He have a very famous programme in TV called ´´The dog Whisperer´´. It's about dogs that had bad behavior whit the owner, and Cesar try to help in those cases.
He always said: ''I rehabilitate person, and I trained dogs''.

I choose Cesar Millan because I would like to be like him, have that ''ability'' to communicate with dogs or other kind of animals, like this cartoon calles ''The Wild Thornberrys''. I would like to know what do animals think and what do they feel.

date Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I decided to study vet because I always wanted to do it. Since I was 8 years old I had decided that I will study vet. My family was frecuently conected with animals, I had a lots of dogs, a pair of birds, a rabit, some cats, a hamster and some fishes.
I enter at this university by my own effort. I make preuniversitario (that is like a school that prepare you to have a good score in the PSU to enter to the university) last year to obtein a better score than the previous that I had.
It was a very difficult year for me, because lots of things happen in my personal life, but I'm girl and I'm strong and I have done it.

I want to take care of all the animals that a can. I would like to create new vaccines for some terrible disease and I want to finish with that.
I would like to specialize in horses or cows and in domestic animals. I hope I can do both.
My ``dream´´ is to work in some hospital of domestic animals some days of the week and other days in a place with horses or in some dairy factory.
Of course someday I want to make my own hospital with some colleagues, not a simple hospital but a hospital like in the US hospitals.

I know that I will be the better veterinarian of my generation because I love them so I can do everything for them.

date Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I´m in my home with my pretty little black dog
jajajaja it's have ritm

date Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hi! Im javiera fuentes.
my nickname is jai or javi or javieritzu like my e-mail addres.
I realy love animals in special dogs. I have 5 dogs. One of them sleep with me every night. She is like my baby and is very jelalous with me if some man stay very close to me.
I live in Puente Alto or in english Hide bridge.
I wnet back to my house sometimes with Igor because he lives there too.
I decided to enter to this university first for the prestigious and because I know that this University is the best of Chile.
I always wanted to study vet and I always have a lot of dogs in my house. If I could calculate all the dogs that I have had in my life I'm sure you wouln't believe it.

I´m really a dog lover and I will always defend them.
